Your home in Mexico

Charro Housing offers accommodation, activities, parties and trips for international students, interns and young professionals in Cholula, Puebla.

Student Housing in Puebla

with us

We are a community of houses for international students, interns and young professionals in Cholula. Cholula is a beautiful town next to Puebla city, so Charro Housing is perfect for anyone studying or doing an internship in both Cholula or Puebla. Besides accommodation, we offer activities, parties and trips so your time in Mexico will be the time of your life!

Charro Housing international roommates on a festival in Mexico

All Charro Housing houses are located in San Andrés Cholula, Puebla and are in walking distance of UDLAP university. Click on OUR HOUSES for more information about the house and its rooms. Let’s find the perfect room for your time in Puebla!

Photo of Paula

Estuve aquí un semestre y fue el mejor sitio que podría haber elegido. Hay muy buen ambiente, la casa tiene todo lo que necesitas y se fomenta la comunicación y el ambiente internacional. Casa Charro 4ever

Photo of Giulia

Ho fatto parte di Charro Housing l’anno scorso, da agosto a dicembre. Sono arrivata in Messico completamente spaesata e loro mi hanno accolto nel migliore dei modi. Per quei 5 mesi mi hanno fatto sentire a casa, anzi, anche meglio che a casa. Mi hanno aiutato in tutto e per tutto, hanno risposto ai miei dubbi e mi hanno fatto divertire con feste e cene quando ne avevo bisogno. È stata un’esperienza meravigliosa che non dimenticherò mai. Difficilmente riuscirete a trovare una compagnia così comprensiva. Ve la consiglio fortemente ?

Photo of Paulo

Vocês são os melhores, a melhor companhia de aluguel de casa para estudantes de puebla ??

Photo of Chloé

Je vis dans la Casa Charro depuis quelques mois maintenant et c’est vraiment une super expérience! La maison est traditionnelle, bien aménagée et très bien localisée dans Cholula. Je me sens toujours en sécurité, bien entourée et tellement bien accueillie dans ce beau pays. Entre les dîners, les súper colocs et les soirées mexicaines (Tequila, en veux-tu, en voilà!), je ne peux que recommander mille fois Charro Housing pour votre semestre à l’étranger!

Photo of Carlin

Ich wohne jetzt seit zwei Semestern in einem der Häuser von Charro Housing. Kann es auf jeden Fall nur empfehlen! Alle Häuser sind mit dem ausgestattet, was man braucht und alles wird sauber gehalten. Man lernt viele Leute kennen – besonders bei den Partys. Außerdem sind die Häuser sehr gut gelegen. Wenn irgendwelche Probleme aufkommen kann man immer die Leute vom Staff fragen. Definitiv eine gute Wahl für mein Auslandssemester! ?

Photo of Tany

The best place to stay in Cholula!  I really enjoyed my stay here and I met a lot of beautiful people from all over the world! And if you want to learn other languages, this is the perfect place 


Our Services

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International atmosphere

Every house includes people from several different nationalities.

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No additional costs

The house is fully furnished and equipped. Your rent includes gas, water, electricity, internet and Netflix

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Cleaning service

A cleaning service once per week is included in your rent as well.

Charro Merchandise

You can now buy Charro Housing branded T‑Shirts with our Mexican illustrations. Click on the icon to get yours!

Contact us

Send us a message to book your room or to ask for more information. We’d love to hear from you!